GMX's commitment to Miami-Dade County extends far beyond the construction and maintenance of roadways. GMX is committed to providing equal opportunity for all businesses to participate in our procurement and contracting process by implementing checks and balances to ensure an open, transparent and competitive procurement environment, while promoting the local economy.
In addition to being responsible for all purchases and contract administration matters of the Authority, GMX's Procurement Department is also responsible for the implementation of and compliance with GMX's Procurement Policy, Small Business Participation Policy, and Local Business Participation Policy.
There is no standard certification requirement to do business with GMX. Businesses are not required to be an GMX Registered Vendor in order to do business with GMX. Each solicitation, depending on the type of the goods/services being procured, will have different qualifications/certification requirements. With the exception of GMX Local Business certification, GMX does not certify or pre-qualify vendors; however, we accept FDOT and/or Miami-Dade County certifications, as applicable.
For services in the A&E and construction industries, GMX usually requires vendors to be pre-qualified by the Florida Department of Transportation pursuant to Rule 14-75 and/or Rule 14-22 of the Florida Administrative Code. The types or classifications of work for which pre-qualification may be required is determined based on the expertise needed to provide the specific service. GMX may also or instead require vendors to have certain number of years of experience or number of projects completed relevant to the services being procured.
For other types of services such as accounting, legal, marketing/advertising, or others in addition to years of experience and a proven track record, GMX usually requires trade-specific certifications/licenses such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license, membership in the Florida Bar, etc.
It is important to note that the same requirements that may apply to a prime vendor may not apply to a subcontracted vendor. Vendors should review each solicitation document to verify the requirements. Vendors are encouraged to contact the GMX Procurement Department with any questions.
For construction services contracts in excess of $200,000, GMX requires a Payment & Performance Bond in the amount and for the term of the contract. In addition, a Bid Bond is required in the amount of 5% of the vendor’s bid.
GMX requires insurance from all prime vendors. The type and limits of insurance required will depend on the services to be provided and potential exposure, as determined by GMX. The following types of insurance are usually required: Worker’s Compensation, Commercial General Liability, Comprehensive Auto Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance, as may be applicable.
Except for Small Purchases, GMX enforces a Cone of Silence for all of its procurements. This legal requirement prohibits communication between all potential and actual proposers and GMX representatives, including Board Members, related to any aspect of the procurement process and/or related solicitation documents during the Cone of Silence.
The Cone of Silence extends from the date the solicitation document is released through either the execution of the contract or through the conclusion of a bid protest, whichever occurs last. It is important that all vendors are familiar with and strictly adhere to this prohibition to avoid disqualification from a procurement process or suspension from doing work with GMX.
GMX has adopted a Lobbyist Registration Policy that requires pre-registration before addressing an GMX Committee or Board. Pursuant to State Law, pre-registration is also required prior to any form of communication with the Executive Director or individual Board members.
All vendors must become familiar with this policy to ensure compliance and avoid disqualification from a procurement process or suspension from doing work with GMX.
Click here to review the Policy and the Lobbyist Registration.
GMX holds a pre-proposal/pre-bid conference for most of its procurements. Although, attendance to these meetings is seldom mandatory, GMX strongly encourages all vendors, primes or subcontracted, to attend these meetings to gain a better understanding of the scope and the specific requirements of the procurement.
The pre-proposal/pre-bid conferences are also an excellent and often underutilized opportunity to network with other vendors for potential partnering whether on the current procurement or a future one or even for non-GMX procurements.